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Alphabetic index: L'VIV 2 |
Pav | Pavliv Pavlivka |
Pec | Pechikhvosti |
Per | Perekalki Peremishlyani Peremivki Perevolochno |
Pet | Petrichi |
Pid | Piddubne Pidgirtsi Pidgora Pidkamin' Pidlissya Pidstavki |
Pil | Pil'tse Pili |
Pir | Piryatin |
Ply | Plyasheve |
Pob | Pobuzhani |
Poc | Pochapi PochaЇV Pochtovii |
Pog | Pogaris'ko |
Pol | Polonichi Polonichna Polove |
Pot | Potelich Potelichi |
Pri | Pribuzhani Pristan' |
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